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LOVE THE WORD. LEARN THE WORD. LIVE THE WORD. LEARN HOW TO BE A "DOER" OF GOD'S WORD Part 1 - Why I Can Trust The Bible with Pastor Dennis Daniels Part 1 continued - Why I Can Trust The Bible with Pastor Dennis ...

40 Days in the Word


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How to grow during the difficult times of life. Part 1: The Desert Seasons Part 2: A Spiritual Growth Exercise Part 3: Prayers That Really Work Part 4: Reading God's ...

Grown Ups


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Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's celebrations here at Grace Community Church are all about family.  Our church family invites you to join us in worship, praise and study of our Lord and Savior Christ ...

The Holidays with Grace 2011


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Be more excited about the next 10 years of your life than you were the last 30 combined! Get ready to move forward and step out in faith at Grace. Part 1:  Your Choice: Blessed or Stressed Part 2: Getting Where You ...

Decade of Destiny


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Get ready for blessings in the Decade of Destiny.  Join Pastor Dennis Daniels, Pastor David Daniels and Pastor Don Griffis as they guide us through the scriptures getting us ready to step out in faith and have the best ...

Planning For Your Future

Archives, Sermons

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Our destiny is shaped by our thoughts and our actions. We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails. Lean biblical principals and how to apply them in your life to shape your destiny in this 8 week sermon ...


Archives, Sermons

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The movies and TV make it look easy. Two people connect-love at first sight. Real love in relationships isn't a magic act, it's a journey. Sermon series with Pastor Dennis Daniels. Part 1: Love At Last Sight Part ...

Love At Last Sight


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Lear effective leadership skills for all areas of your life in this study of the book of Nehemiah with Pastor Dennis Daniels. Part 1: The Need For Leadership Part 2: Leadership Begins With Prayer Part 3: Why ...

Thinking Outside The Box


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What it means to be a real friend. Sermon series with Pastor Dennis Daniels. Part 1: What It Means To Be A Real Friend Part 2: Helping A Friend Get Out Of Debt Part 3: Helping A Friend Out Of Depression Part ...

