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Sue gives her testimony on giving two days to ...

Sue Levesque


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What if you only had one month to live. What changes would you make in your life?  Knowing your days are numbered would you be more authentic about who you are and more deliberate about how you spend your time? What are ...

One Month To Live


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Life, love, even God are sometimes unfair.  In this sermon series we research what the Bible has to say on fairness. When Life Seems Unfair When God Seems ...

When Things Seem Unfair


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with guest speaker Pastor Galen ...

Grace Is Enough


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People say they love their church but what does that mean? If you love something your actions are going to show it. Christ loved the church and gave His life for it. The church should be a reflection of Jesus’ love, words, ...

I Love My Church


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Baptisms September ...

September 2012


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Friends Day 2012 with Pastor Dennis ...

How To Really Impress God


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Sermon series on how to grow great relationships by following the example set by Jesus Christ. Part 1: The Secret of Love  June 24, 2012 Part 2: The Secret of Joy  July 1, 2012 Part 3: The Secret of ...

The Secret To All Great Relationships


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performed by the Planet Kids ...

My Savior Lives

Featured Music

post image  ”Until we wake up and are thankful about everything and realize that we’re all undeserving we’ll never get it – we’ll never fully get God’s heart.” Dr. Dennis ...

Having A Heart for God

Featured Video

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The Big Move!

Featured Video

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This series takes us on a journey discovering the links between us and the tabernacle - to tabernacle with God each and every day.  Senior Pastor Dennis Daniels leads this series. Part 1 - The Proposal Part 2 - All ...

How Far Would Someone Go For The One They Loved
